RNC Makes It Official: Election Denialism Is Part Of Republicans’ 2024 Strategy

Sad news from bbc news…

Joe Lieberman, former US Senator, dies at 82

The former US Senator was Al Gore’s running mate in the 2000 presidential election


Please proceed and continue to deny 2020! Let that be your entire election platform!!!


OT. It appears that trump is paying his legal bills with $$ he is pulling from campaign donations. Shouldn’t using these $$ for his legal problems be considered as taking that $$ as income and consequently require that he declare it and pay taxes?
Some help here


That Jim McDermott article was surreal for me to read, because my wife and I did a similar thing. We’re in the Basque Country of Spain rather than in France, but we’re now living a pastoral life in a 19th century farmhouse on the outskirts of a small village and loving it. We don’t have any animals ourselves but have cows to one side of us and sheep to the other, with a few donkeys and goats and chickens in the mix as well. Great healthcare, public transportation, no gun crime, and just a more civilized society altogether. And don’t even get me started on the food. We’re trying to figure out how to provide a path for more family members to follow us but that is challenging.


In the days of camera phones, thank God. These whackjobs are on record doing whatever.

Balls to all these fake tough guys. Honest to God, the half-men polishing their guns in the wake of their own failure and someone to blame.

I don’t think they have the heart for the full fight. They’ll lose again if it comes to it.

We’ll sure as hell find out how many evangelicals in the military.


Joe Lieberman is the principal reason the ACA has no public option.


My old man was at Normandy and was fit to puke when Oliver North lied in Congress.


God bless the Basque people. The oldest language in the Mediterranean area. I lived with 4 guys from there for a week and didn’t understand a word. We got on great and they took me for a solemn drunkening before they left.


Like he doesn’t already have the police vote. Propping up the funeral for a photo op so he can say black people are bad.


The RNC forcing all people who want to work for them to lie to get hired is practicing a form of mind control that is quite old. It’s the same way that almost all cults keep their flock in the pens.


These soulless traitors hate our entire system of government and will never stop lying and undermining free and fair elections.

I hate them all.


Interviewees were also shown a nude photo of Trump and asked to compliment the would be Emperor’s outfit.


“Thoughts and prayers”




I feel sorry for his family.

Has anyone notified “No-Labels” he is no longer available as their candidate?


He will say “thugs”.

Wink, wink, nudge, nudge…


Taxes are for little people!


He was Mr. Rodgers with a war thirst. It never sat well with me.


That generation of Republicans frequently spoke of “Commie dupes.” They would be worse off than vomiting in their graves if they could see today’s “Republican” House Reps following Trump down the Russia-is-great and Putin-is-the-best path, Commie dupes indeed.


Maybe, but Biden will have a harder time pulling off a victory in November. I’ve recently read most Americans are against Israel’s war on Gaza’s civilians and the mass starvation of Gaza. Biden is on camera saying he didn’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, and reiterated he considered himself a Zionist on his first trip to Israel after October 7th. That clip is being circulated widely online where it will hurt him the most. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t used in a GOP campaign ad.

Most Muslims, even hard core Democratic ones, ( Mehdi Hasan) are vowing not to vote for Biden over Israel. Add in the college aged and older people who have been hurt the hardest by inflation (seniors on fixed incomes) Biden won’t skate to victory easily.
RFK Jr may run on the Libertarian ticket. No problem getting on all the state ballots that way. The Libertarian party wants him on their ticket. Sure, RFK Jr is a nut, but 22% of Americans are anti-vaxx. Even if only half of the anti-vaxxers vote, that’s 11%. And RFK Jr. is still a Kennedy who picked a liberal woman as his running mate. He will get a sizeable protest vote. Add in Biden’s Hunter and senior issues, he will have a much harder path to victory this time. Just pointing out things some people can see coming.

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