Supreme Court Hears Effort To Curtail Blue State Abortion Access – TPM – Talking Points Memo

No. It was never settled, and it only hung on in shambles since Casey.


Adding to their collection of engravings. As a gift.

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They will thread that needle. It will be ugly, but they are just calling balls and strikes.


You got it. You’ll go far in this world :slight_smile:

Very good point.

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That’s a suitable slogan, but utterly impractical in real life. When Dr. Demon Sperm gives her covid patients bleach injections, that’s malpractice. When the Sacklers puts billions of dollars of opioids on the market, that’s a legal issue. Etc. Absolute immunity is not a thing.


Results based judges do not rely on experts because to a results based judge, they are the experts.

In my view, the worst result would be to leave woman’s healthcare, which it what this is all about, to the states. If you make it a state issue, then you make it a class issue because for any person would be able to visit another state. I mean it is an open secrete in Florida that the reason Evangelical women love until recently loved visiting Pensacola and it had nothing to do with the beaches.

Finally, while all the talk about the coming election is about Hispanics and Blacks, in truth the election will be decided by White women. This case, which I believe if anti-women’s healthcare side wins, also has implications for birth control. So in my view, let these results based Republican Justices rule against women’s healthcare and their right to do what they want with their own bodies and leave it up to women how to respond in November.


But her emails…



It’s malpractice because the medical profession’s consensus and science says so (also too, the corpse would be pretty good evidence), not because the court determined it to be so.

Correct. It’s not a medical issue, so irrelevant to the point he made. The medical profession should determine whether and to what extent and of what nature the problem is. Congress determines how to deal with it on that basis. The Court needs to keep its fucking dicks soft and not try to fuck the issue by doing anything other than interpreting that law.


They are late.

But two of the justices as candidates, when asked about Roe, made the statement into the record that Roe was settled law.

I agree with you - the statement the justice candidates made was a falsehood and we all took it for its face value. Now we know better.


This is all about giving politicians, which has come to include judges, the right to meddle in affairs of the people that are none of their damned business. Freedom from search and seizure is so much crap in their exalted opinions.



Up next: GQP MAGAt KKKult KKKongress refusing to fund the emergency and bridge replacement…

ETA: Oh say can you see? How wonderfully symbolic of what’s coming…


And don’t forget that those ethnic groups are gravitating to the GQP because the Dems haven’t done enough.

The Solicitor General is ready for the questions.

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They want a guy like that in the 2nd to last pres chair for that reason. They’ll keep giving him a break because he is the epitome of the Right wing nutjob. Financially opaque and the kind of guy who lie about God for votes.

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Why would they waste there time doing that?
Especially since they already intuitively know the answers to every key question simply by using their legally trained minds.

Their divinely inspired brains enable enable them to read a brief and instantly form a comprehensive grasp of the history and nuances of the subject matter. Why, if they had a spare weekend and a well equipped lab - they could develop a cure for cancer …

But - there is a lot of this going around - there are plenty of MD’s who are convinced that their views of the regulations should be the only views that count - over even the individuals who actually wrote the regs.


I would presume that even this Conservative court would brush this appeal aside, and rule against these plaintiffs on the basis of a lack standing.

However, I look forward to my almost certainly vain attempts to follow the tortured-shall we say schizophrenic-like-“logic” from Alito in the dissent.

Otherwise I will be dismayed by “schizophrenic-logic” becoming the law of the land because although it is Roberts court, Alito sometimes rules.


You are only partially correct.

Voting “No” on funding a replacement for the bridge and then showing up at the groundbreaking ceremony for the bridge replacement to claim credit.


Everyone knew they were lying. A lie agreed upon is still a lie.

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